Statistics speak of a decline of faith in God. Sometimes, however, a renascence seems to take place. Are we witnessing the (re)creation of God images, or the (re)discovery of God, as the title of this
Ven (comparative empirical science of religion, Radbound U. Nijmegen, the Netherlands) has focused his research on human rights and religion since 1993. He gathers here nine lectures and papers reflec
The 14 essays of this collection were presented at conferences held in 2008 and 2010 held by the Empirical Research Program Religion and Human Rights, at Radboud U. Nijmegen, the Netherlands (where Va
This volume is about the positive, ambivalent, null and negative effects in various historical periods by various religious denominations within Christianity, Islam and Hinduism on the attitudes towar
In 1993, as the new South African constitution with its bill of rights was being negotiated, Ven (comparative empirical theology, U. of Nijmegan, the Netherlands), Jaco S. Dreyer, and Hendrik J. C. Pi