The paradigm of a dark energy- and dark matter-dominated Universe, with the hierarchical merger scenario for the formation of galaxies, has scored impressive successes in matching the observed Universe. However, the theory fails to explain the difficulty in generating ordinary disk galaxies such as the Milky Way, suggesting that some important physics must be missing in current models. IAU Symposium 254 was organized to address this question, gathering researchers from an unusually broad range of fields, from cosmology to interstellar matter, and the formation and evolution of stars. High-class reviews, lectures and posters combine to define the frontiers in the field and point the way to new avenues of research. This volume presents a unique set of succinct overviews illuminating the full range of topics in this very active field. It also honours Danish astrophysicist Bengt Strömgren (1908–1987), who laid much of the foundation for this entire field.
This authoritative volume combines a wealth of myths and legends with a lively commentary on Polynesian life and culture. Captivating tales include ancient stories of the gods and creation, nature and
The International Astronomical Union (IAU) was founded in 1919, in the wake of the First World War, together with its sister Unions in related natural sciences. It will thus turn 100 years in 2019. Written by a mixed team of insiders and outsiders, this book presents the IAU in the changing context of the historical, scientific and technological development of astronomy during the past 100 years.While much important scientific progress took place already before 1945, the book naturally focuses on the accelerating evolution during the second half of the century. In the past few decades, the previously narrow IAU focus on organising professional astronomy has broadened to include societally relevant activities such as addressing the hazard of asteroid impacts, the planetary status of Pluto in the Solar System, and the hugely successful International Year of Astronomy. Most recently, it is spearheading a combination of science literacy and public outreach.The book will be of interest to p