John C. Green (EDT)/ Daniel J. Coffey (EDT)/ David B. Cohen (EDT)
John C. Green (EDT)/ Daniel J. Coffey (EDT)/ David B. Cohen (EDT)/ Alan Abramowitz (CON)/ Paul A. Beck (CON)
Paul Atkinson (EDT)/ Amanda Coffey (EDT)/ Sara Delamont (EDT)/ John Lofland (EDT)/ Lyn H. Lofland (EDT)
Alister Chapman (EDT)/ John Coffey (EDT)/ Brad S. Gregory (EDT)
Coffey, John (Professor of Early Modern History, Professor of Early Modern History, University of Leicester)
Daniel J. Coffey/ John C. Green/ David B. Cohen/ Stephen C. Brooks
David M. Coffey/ John D. Laurance (EDT)
James L. Coffey/ Russell M. Drake/ John T. Barnett
John Bilorusky/ Margery Coffey/ Osahon Eigbike/ Sevgi Fernandez/ Steven Fletcher
John Calvin Coffey/ Rishabh Sehgal/ Dara Walsh
John H. Y. Briggs (EDT)/ David Coffey (FRW)
John W. Coffey (EDT)/ Kathleen Burnside (CON)/ Austen Barron Bailly (EDT)/ Hal Weeks (CON)
Justin Champion (EDT)/ John Coffey (EDT)/ Tim Harris (EDT)/ John Marshall (EDT)
N. H. Keeble (EDT)/ John Coffey (EDT)/ Tim Cooper (EDT)/ Tom Charlton (EDT)