;Burn, Andrew,Potter, John,Cowan, Kate,Bishop, Julia
;S. Kanwar, Varinder (Chitkara University, India),Shukla, Sanjay Kumar (School of Engineering, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia),John, Siby (Punjab Engineering College, India),Singh Kandra, Ha
Cowan, John (formerly Director, The Open University, Scotland), | George, Judith (Deputy Director, The Open University, Scotland),
David Cowan/ John Kuenster
Duane E. Campbell/ Peter Baird (CON)/ Forrest Davis (CON)/ Edmund W. Lee (CON)/ John Cowan (CON)
Geoffrey Cowan/ Leroy Aarons/ John Rubinstein (DRT)
Hashim Hashim (EDT)/ John Reynard (EDT)/ Nigel C. Cowan (EDT)/ Dan Wood (EDT)/ Noel Armenakas (EDT)
Hashim Hashim/ John Reynard/ Nigel C. Cowan
Horace/ John Davie (TRN)/ Robert Cowan (INT)
John (Edith Cowan University Ryan Australia)
John Cowan/ Roger Penwill (ILT)
John Owen;Cowan, Martyn C.
John Owen;Cowan, Martyn C.