Loose the latchstring and peer into the places where Nathaniel Hawthorne passed back and forth from nineteenth century New England to the fertile country of his imagination. The historic images in thi
In Sorcery in Salem, local author John Hardy Wright examines the witchcraft delusion that afflicted Salem Village and Salem Town in the winter of 1691-92. Twenty inhabitants lost their lives at that t
On November 11, 1620, the Mayflower landed at the tip of CapeCod, allowing the Pilgrims their first glimpse of America andtheir first contact with what was to become their new home. Inthe nearly four
By the beginning of the twentieth century, picturesque Provincetown-- incorporated in 1727--was no longer one of the major seaports of Massachusetts involved in the whaling industry. The fishing indus
Formerly the smallest city in Massachusetts,Newburyport is considered to be one of the architectural gems of New England. Its history, bothpublic and private, is intertwined with and expressed by its
Surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and picturesqueharbors both large and small, Marblehead has reliedon the changing tides for its livelihood since the town'sfounding in 1629. It served first as the dep
Marblehead, Massachusetts, is a proud community steeped in history, and many fine images of its past still survive today. Paintings from the colonial period and engravings from the mid-nineteenth cent
Hardy Gloucester men and large fishing vessels known as Gloucestermen were ever-present along the busy waterfront of the North Shore city between the mid-19th century and the early years of the 20th c