Isaac Asimov/ John Ciardi
Isaac Schapera/ John L. Comaroff
John Drury Clark/ Isaac Asimov (FRW)
John Vail Farr,Isaac J. Faber
John Waile Heremana Isaac Kihe
Matthew Isaac Cohen (EDT)/ John H. McGlynn (EDT)
;Biney, Isaac Kofi,Kwame Boateng, John,Nixon, Paul G. (The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands)
Alexander Hamilton (EDT)/ Alexander Hamilton/ John Jay/ Isaac Kramnick/ James Madison/ John Jay (EDT)
David Isaac/ John O'Leary
David Isaac/ John O'Leary/ Mark Daley
Grant, Dr Susan (Liverpool John Moores University, UK),Scarborough, Dr Isaac McKean (Leiden University, The Netherlands)
Hosler, John D. (Contributor),Isaac, Steven (Customer)