To know the God of the universe, you must know His Word. By investing only thirty minutes a day, you can achieve your goal of reading the entire Bible in one year. John Kohlenberger provides a wonde
The NIV Greek and English New Testament is a parallel Bible, with the Greek New Testament on the left-hand page (using the text that underlies the NIV 2011) and the NIV 2011 on the right-hand page. Th
When you want to get a firm understanding of God's grace, where do you start? You could consult your concordance for every appearance of "Grace" in the Bible. But what about those Scripture passages t
The Concise Concordance is a useful word index to all 73 books of the New American Bible Revised Edition. Arranged in alphabetical order, it shows the book, chapter, and verse location of the most pro
With the exception of the classic King James Version, all of the popular translations featured in the Contemporary Parallel New Testament were published within the last quarter-century. This edition
These four volumes in one binding include the standard Hebrew text Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, the NIV (North American version) as the English parallel text, a word for word translation for rende
A concordance for the 2011 edition of the New International Version features references with context, frequently occurring phrases, notes on biblical figures with the same names, and cross-references
This is the only exhaustive concordance based on the Today's New International Version of the Bible; it gives complete access to every word of the TNIV text as well as to the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Gree
An invaluable quick-reference guide to this acclaimed modern language translation, the Concise Concordance to the NRSV contains over 300 pages of entries including citations on the most important key
The Essential Evangelical Parallel Bible enables readers to easily compare a quartet of modern translations that span the full range of approaches, from the most precise and literal to the most dyna
An abridgment of the critically acclaimed Expositor's Bible Commentary, this Gold Medallion-winning resource gives you in two volumes all the essential information and practical insights of the origi
All the verse-by-verse insights of the 12-volume Expositor's Bible Commentary---in 2 convenient volumes. When you want to dig more deeply into the meaning of God's Word, a good expository Bible commen
Like a redwood that towers above all other trees, The Strongest Strong’s Larger Print Edition takes James Strong’s classic concordance to unprecedented heights. Reflecting thousands of re
Compares and merges the Portland Index with Strong's 1894 Concordance, the result enhanced by comparison with the electronic edition of the Cambridge Paragraph Bible of 1873. The Strong's Concordance
All the verse-by-verse insights of the 12-volume Expositor’s Bible Commentary—in 2 convenient volumes. When you want to dig more deeply into the meaning of God’s Word, a good expository Bible commenta