Prophets, saints, martyrs, sages, and seers--one of the richest repositories of lore about such exemplary religious figures belongs to the world's approximately 1.3 billion Muslims. Illuminating some
In light of the widespread public perception of incompatibility between Islam and Christianity, this book provides a much-needed straightforward comparison of these two great faith traditions from a b
In light of the widespread public perception of incompatibility between Islam and Christianity, this book provides a much-needed straightforward comparison of these two great faith traditions from a b
This book looks at Rumi’s insights into the meaning of the second half of the basic Muslim creed, namely, the nature and function of revelation through prophets.
Answers questions concerning the origins, development, doctrines and practices, ethics, spirituality, and other aspects of three major East Asian belief systems.
The A to Z of Sufism includes more than 1,000 entries on the history, major figures, institutions, theology, and literary works associated with Islam's mystical tradition, Sufism. In addition, the vol
This second edition of Historical Dictionary of Sufismcontains a chronology, an introduction, glossay, and an extensive bibliography. The dictionary section has over 1,000 cross-referenced entries on
Answers questions about the religious traditions of Islam and Muslims, arranged in such categories as Beginnings and Sources, History and Development, Beliefs and Practices, Law and Ethics, Cultural a
"In an age of continued Middle East volatility, religious extremists, and terrorist threats, the mere mention of Islam and Muslims too often provokes misunderstanding and even rancor. Often overlooked
Reviews the Islamic conception of revelation through prophets as articulated by the revered Sufi mystic and poet Jalal al-Din Rumi (AD 1207-73). Argues that he accepted the prophets, from Adam to Muha
Over the centuries and across the globe, Muslim authors and artists have given moving testimony to their experience of being members of the Islamic community. Their many vantage points come together
Providing detailed descriptions of the beliefs, rituals, history, and organization of the world’s eight major religious traditions, including Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucia
One of the critical issues in interreligious relations today is the connection, both actual and perceived, between sacred sources and the justification of violent acts as divinely mandated. Fighting W
One of the critical issues in interreligious relations today is the connection, both actual and perceived, between sacred sources and the justification of violent acts as divinely mandated. Fighting Words makes solid text-based scholarship accessible to the general public, beginning with the premise that a balanced approach to religious pluralism in our world must build on a measured, well-informed response to the increasingly publicized and sensationalized association of terrorism and large-scale violence with religion.In his introduction, Renard provides background on the major scriptures of seven religious traditions--Jewish, Christian (including both the Old and New Testaments), Islamic, Baha'i, Zoroastrian, Hindu, and Sikh. Eight chapters then explore the interpretation of select facets of these scriptures, focusing on those texts so often claimed, both historically and more recently, as inspiration and justification for every kind of violence, from individual assassination to
This remarkable collection gathers a breathtakingly diverse selection of primary texts from the vast repertoire of Islamic stories about holy men and women--also known as Friends of God--who were exem