Douglas W. Woods/ John C. Piacentini/ Susanna W. Chang/ Thilo Deckersbach/ Golda S. Ginsburg/ A. Peterson/ Lawrence Scahill/ John T. Walkup M.D./ Sabine Wilhelm Ph.D.
Douglas W. Woods/ John C. Piacentini/ Susanna W. Chang/ Thilo Deckersbach/ Golda S. Ginsburg/ Alan L. Peterson/ Lawrence Scahill/ John T. Walkup M.D./ Sabine Wilhelm Ph.D.
Harumi Tanabe (EDT)/ John Scahill (EDT)
Harumi Tanabe (EDT)/ Koichi Kano (EDT)/ John Scahill (EDT)
Harumi Tanabe (EDT)/ Scahill John (EDT)/ Koichi Kano (EDT)
Merja Kyto (EDT)/ John Scahill (EDT)/ Harumi Tanabe (EDT)
Shoko Ono (EDT)/ John Scahill (EDT)/ Keiko Ikegami (CON)/ Tadao Kubouchi (CON)/ Harumi Tanabe (CON)
Taguchi, Mayumi (Professor, Faculty of International Studies, Osaka Sangyo University, Japan),Scahill, John (English Language Teacher, Insearch, Univeristy of Technology Sydney),Tokunaga, Satoko (Ass
Taguchi, Mayumi; Scahill, John; Tokunga, Satoko
Takami Matsuda (EDT)/ Richard A. Linenthal (EDT)/ John Scahill (EDT)