One feature of globalization is that barriers to international competition have come to be associated with differences in regulatory policies that increase the costs of engaging in cross-border sales. Such non-tariff measures (NTMs) have attracted growing attention from policy makers and raise important questions for policy research. This book provides a valuable overview of key issues related to NTMs and domestic regulation. It covers the classification and definition of NTMs, new sources of data on NTMs, the impacts of (different types of) NTMs, the challenges that confront efforts to reduce the negative trade effects of NTMs and what can and should be done through international cooperation to promote good practices in the design and implementation of NTMs. The contributors comprise a mix of leading trade policy experts - both academics and practitioners - and younger researchers who have specialized in the analysis of NTMs.
Applied general equilibrium (AGE) models have received considerable attention and scrutiny in the public debate over the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). This collection brings together the leading AGE models that have been constructed to analyse NAFTA. A variety of approaches to modelling trade liberalization are taken in these studies, including multi-country and multi-sectoral models, models that focus on institutional features of particular sectors (agricultural, autos, steel, textiles and apparel) affecting multinational firms and rules of origin, and models with some inter-temporal structure. Further, by constructing stylized models, theoretical linkages have been identified that drive numerical results in the larger AGE models. The volume also assesses what can be learned about the likely economic effects of NAFTA from the collection of studies taken as a whole. Areas in need of further study have been highlighted.
Applied Methods for Trade Policy Analysis provides a comprehensive introduction to the applied economic modeling of trade policies. The book introduces the reader to trade policy concepts, welfare measurement, accounting frameworks, and both partial and general equilibrium modeling approaches. It first covers these topics at a basic level and then introduces the reader to a number of more advanced topics: imperfect competition, dynamic modeling, labour market structure, and environmental modeling. Economic graduate students, professors, and policy makers will find the collection to be an important reference tool.
Written by an immensely important musicologist, this rare 1860 monograph analyzes Paganini's compositions and provides a fascinating history of the violin. Author Francois-Joseph Fetis also offers fir