Despite a rich academic literature in the field of intellectual property (IP), there has been little conceptual analysis of the subject matter that IP rights protect, and in reflection of this, little
The Requirement for an Invention in Patent Law provides a critical analysis of legal conceptions of the invention in UK patent law and under the European Patent Convention. Dr Justine Pila brings to t
The purpose of this book is to explore the key substantive, methodological, and institutional issues raised by the proposed EU unitary patent system contained in EU Regulations 1257/2012 and 1260/2012
European Intellectual Property Law offers a full account of the main areas of substantive European IP law and a discussion of their wider context and effect.The amount and reach of European law, and d
With a particular focus on intellectual property, this work explores some of the key methodological and institutional issues affecting the development of European private law. Leading experts consider
Lord Leonard Hoffmann remains one of the most important and influential English jurists. Born in South Africa, he came to England as a Rhodes Scholar to study law at the University of Oxford. After gr
We live in an age in which expressive, informational, and technological subject matter are becoming increasingly important. Intellectual property is the primary means by which the law seeks to regulat
Now available in paperback! The purpose of this book is to explore the key substantive, methodological, and institutional issues raised by the proposed unitary EU patent system contained in EU Regulat