


原文書 (8)

可訂購商品 (8)

無庫存 (8)

$800以上 (8)

2019~2020 (2)
2017年以前 (6)

平裝 (4)
精裝 (4)

K. Ann Renninger (4)
K. Ann Renninger/ Suzanne Hidi (2)
K. Ann Renninger (EDT)/ Suzanne Hidi (EDT)/ Andreas Krapp (EDT)/ Ann Renninger (EDT) (1)
William Damon (EDT)/ Richard M. Lerner (EDT)/ K. Ann Renninger (EDT)/ Irving E. Sigel (EDT) (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (4)
Taylor & Francis (2)
John Wiley & Sons Inc (1)
Psychology Pr (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

Building Virtual Communities―Learning and Change in Cyberspace
作者:K. Ann Renninger  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2002/07/01 裝訂:平裝
Building Virtual Communities examines how learning and cognitive change are fostered by online communities. Contributors to this volume explore this question by drawing on their different theoretical backgrounds, methodologies, and personal experience with virtual communities. Each chapter discusses the different meanings of the terms community, learning, and change. Case studies are included for further clarification. Together, these chapters describe the building out of virtual communities in terms that are relevant to theorists, researchers, and practitioners. The chapters provide a basis for thinking about the dynamics of Internet community building. This includes consideration of the role of the self or individual as a participant in virtual community, and the design and refinement of technology as the conduit for extending and enhancing the possibilities of community building in cyberspace. Building Virtual Communities will interest educators, psychologists, sociologists, and res
定價:2144 元, 優惠價:9 1930
Building Virtual Communities:Learning and Change in Cyberspace
作者:K. Ann Renninger  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2002/07/08 裝訂:精裝
Building Virtual Communities examines how learning and cognitive change are fostered by online communities. Contributors to this volume explore this question by drawing on their different theoretical backgrounds, methodologies, and personal experience with virtual communities. Each chapter discusses the different meanings of the terms community, learning, and change. Case studies are included for further clarification. Together, these chapters describe the building out of virtual communities in terms that are relevant to theorists, researchers, and practitioners. The chapters provide a basis for thinking about the dynamics of Internet community building. This includes consideration of the role of the self or individual as a participant in virtual community, and the design and refinement of technology as the conduit for extending and enhancing the possibilities of community building in cyberspace. Building Virtual Communities will interest educators, psychologists, sociologists, and res
定價:3600 元, 優惠價:9 3240
The Cambridge Handbook of Motivation and Learning
作者:K. Ann Renninger  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2019/04/30 裝訂:平裝
Written by leading researchers in educational and social psychology, learning science, and neuroscience, this edited volume is suitable for a wide-academic readership. It gives definitions of key terms related to motivation and learning alongside developed explanations of significant findings in the field. It also presents cohesive descriptions concerning how motivation relates to learning, and produces a novel and insightful combination of issues and findings from studies of motivation and/or learning across the authors' collective range of scientific fields. The authors provide a variety of perspectives on motivational constructs and their measurement, which can be used by multiple and distinct scientific communities, both basic and applied.
定價:3054 元, 優惠價:9 2749
作者:K. Ann Renninger  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2019/04/30 裝訂:精裝
Written by leading researchers in educational and social psychology, learning science, and neuroscience, this edited volume is suitable for a wide-academic readership. It gives definitions of key terms related to motivation and learning alongside developed explanations of significant findings in the field. It also presents cohesive descriptions concerning how motivation relates to learning, and produces a novel and insightful combination of issues and findings from studies of motivation and/or learning across the authors' collective range of scientific fields. The authors provide a variety of perspectives on motivational constructs and their measurement, which can be used by multiple and distinct scientific communities, both basic and applied.
The Power of Interest for Motivation and Engagement
作者:K. Ann Renninger; Suzanne Hidi  出版社:Taylor & Francis  出版日:2015/12/16 裝訂:平裝
The Power of Interest for Motivation and Engagement combines research from educational psychology and neuroscience to explain the important role of student interest in academics and life success. Draw
定價:2923 元, 優惠價:9 2631
作者:K. Ann Renninger; Suzanne Hidi  出版社:Taylor & Francis  出版日:2015/12/14 裝訂:精裝
The Power of Interest for Motivation and Engagement combines research from educational psychology and neuroscience to explain the important role of student interest in academics and life success. Draw
The Role of Interest in Learning and Development
作者:K. Ann Renninger (EDT); Suzanne Hidi (EDT); Andreas Krapp (EDT); Ann Renninger (EDT)  出版社:Psychology Pr  出版日:2015/12/18 裝訂:平裝
Interest is just emerging as a critical bridge between cognitive and affective issues in both learning and development. This developing "interest" in interest appears to be linked to an incr
定價:2833 元, 優惠價:9 2550
Part of the authoritative four-volume reference that spans the entire field of child development and has set the standard against which all other scholarly references are compared. Updated and revise



