Those interested in Islamic literature and spirituality are invited to pore over this rigorous and highly polished English translation of the Qur'an, the religion's quintessential text. Two hundred si
"My heart wandered through the world constantly seeking after my cure, but the sweet and delicious water of life had to break through the granite of my heart." When the words of Rumi enter
"This is an excellent book that explains spiritual principles and how to carry them into everyday life . . . Highly recommended."—Library Journal Sufism is a centuries-old spiritual psychology leading
A revised 25th anniversary edition of the classic work on Sufism that Jack Kornfield called, "A heartfelt modern illumination of the Sufi path, filled with the fragrance of the ancients."In Sufism, th
The cry of the soul in love with God has never been more eloquently expressed than by the great Persian Sufi master Jalaluddin Rumi (1207–1273). Readers have thrilled to his ecstatic songs of divine u
As human beings we stand on the threshold between two realities: the world of material existence and the world of spiritual Being. The "knowing heart" is the sacred place where these two dimensions me
Civilization of Paradise is both a collection of Qur’an inspired poetry and a fascinating record of intimate dialogs with a Sufi master in Damascus. Poetry, in the case of Asad Ali, is a way of life a
This collection of poems introduces a general readership to Yunus Emre (1240-1321), called the "greatest folk poet in Islam." An unlettered Turkish shepherd who sang mystical songs that are still popu
A redesigned collection of the master's work in a Shambhala Pocket Library edition.The cry of the soul in love with God has never been more eloquently expressed than by the great Persian Sufi master J
Here is a wonderfully rich introduction to the work of the great mystical poet, featuring the leading literary translations of his verse. Translators include Coleman Barks, Robert Bly, Andrew Harvey,
"Love is a stranger and speaks a strange language," wrote Rumi, one of the world's most beloved mystical poets. His poems of spiritual love still speak directly to our hearts after more than seven hun
Rumi's poems are beloved for their touching perceptions of humanity and the Divine. Here is a rich introduction to the work of the great mystical poet, featuring leading literary translations of his v
The spiritual vocabulary of the Islamic tradition offers profound and enlightening concepts that do not easily lend themselves to English translation. Serving as both a translation guide and a glossar
The spiritual influence of Jelaluddin Rumi (1207-1273) is increasing among people of diverse beliefs throughout the western world. Rumi is now recognized here in the West, as he has been for seven cen
Love is the meaning of our existence, the raw material of transformation, the glorious way of access to Divine intimacy. This teaching infuses the lyric verse of Rumi (1207–1273), the greatest of the
Drawn from the Miskkat al Masabih, this collection of the Prophet Muhammed's sayings includes both the English and Arabic text and provides an intelligent introduction to Islam. Among the included top