Writing about World Literature, a new guide created to accompany the Norton Anthology, covers the processes and particulars of writing in the world literature survey course. Starting with the essentia
Two books in one: a handy guide to the process of academic writing and a brief but thorough introduction to the basics of film form, film theory, and film analysis. Clear, accessible, and surprisingly
This short and simple guide offers plain language, a conversational tone, and a simple, reader-friendly layout, making it accessible to community college as well as university students. The first chap
The Third Edition of Looking at Movies is as visually engaging and fun to read as previous editions, and now contains new material on film history, film genre, and cultural contexts, and even more he
Writing About Movies offers students two books in one: a handy guide to the process of academic writing and a brief but thorough introduction to the basics of film form, film theory, and film analysis
Writing About Movies offers students two books in one: a handy guide to the process of academic writing and a brief but thorough introduction to the basics of film form, film theory, and film analysis