This book presents a new and comprehensive framework for the analysis of representations of culture, society and the world in textbooks for foreign and second language learning. It points to the need
This book presents a new and comprehensive framework for the analysis of representations of culture, society and the world in textbooks for foreign and second language learning. It points to the need
The book presents a new theory of the relationship between language and culture in a transnational and global perspective. The fundamental view is that languages spread across cultures, and cultures s
Risager (cultural encounters, Roskilde U.) continues her work in creating a basis for change from a national to a transnational approach to language and culture pedagogy. She understands this approach
為配合外語教學發展趨勢。上海外語教育出版社在“外教社跨文化交際叢書”的基礎上,又引進推出一批從跨文化視角進行外語教學的權威力作。這一批以國際著名外語教育家Michael Byram教授為首的學者們的著作,是英國多語出版公司出版的叢書“Languages of Intercultural Communication and Education”(LICE)中眾多專著/文集的一部分。在這些著作中,學者
Rather than the usual technical problems of teaching a foreign language that are only politely discussed within specialized gatherings well advertised as such, Byram (education, U. of Durham, England)
This volume focuses on advances in research methodology in an interdisciplinary field framed by discourses of identity and interculturality. It includes a range of qualitative studies: studies of inte
Andersen (educational development, U. of Aarhus, Denmark) et al. compile six essays drawn from a conference held in Copenhagen in May of 2004, "Culture and Language Learning," organized under the Dani