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Kate Woodford,Elizabeth Walter (3)
Mauricio Shiroma, Veronica Teodorov, Liz Walter, Kate Woodford, With Paulo Machado (2)
Viviane Kirmeliene, Denise Santos, Liz Walter, Kate Woodford, With Paulo Machado (2)
Elizabeth Walter & Kate Woodford (1)
Elizabeth Walter and Kate Woodford (1)
Mike Gould,Kamini Khanduri,Jo Ross,Kate Woodford,Elizabeth Walter (1)

Pearson Education Limited (4)
香港商務印書館 (2)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:Kate Woodford; Elizabeth Walter  出版社:Pearson Education Limited  出版日:2018/02/26 裝訂:平裝
Collins 易學易記英語寫作
作者:Elizabeth Walter & Kate Woodford  出版社:香港商務印書館  出版日:2013/03/01 裝訂:平裝
第一部分介紹寫作的流程,包括準備、結構、風格和修改等;第二部分介紹不同文體的寫作方法;第三部分介紹注意事項,包括語法、標點符號、拼寫和常見錯誤。1. 循序漸進,先講流程,再介紹不同文體,最後強調注意事項。2. 小貼士淺顯易懂、切中要點。3. 設置修改和常見錯誤兩個部分,強調寫作後對文章的加工。
定價:480 元, 優惠價:9 432
English SATs Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Study Guide: York Notes for KS2
作者:Kate Woodford; Elizabeth Walter  出版社:Pearson Education Limited  出版日:2018/02/08 裝訂:平裝
定價:420 元, 優惠價:95 399
English SATs Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Targeted Skills and Test Practice for Year 5: York Notes for KS2
作者:Kate Woodford; Elizabeth Walter  出版社:Pearson Education Limited  出版日:2018/02/26 裝訂:平裝
定價:420 元, 優惠價:95 399
Collins 易學易記英語會話(附MP3)
作者:Elizabeth Walter and Kate Woodford  出版社:香港商務印書館  出版日:2014/05/31 裝訂:平裝
本書分旅遊、購物等單元總結英語會話中實用短語,多個例句供反覆練習,場景對話展示如何運用。最後總結基本語法和常用動詞短語。 本書特點: 1. 列舉實用會話短語,供初中級英語學習者提高口語能力。 2. 每個短語有多個例句,供反覆練習加深記憶。 3. 小貼士提示短語用法。 4. 每個單元都分為談論計劃、表達意見等類別歸納短語。 5. MP3收錄實用場景對話。 6.“仔細聽”一欄列舉讀者可能
定價:480 元, 優惠價:9 432
English SATs Complete Revision and Test Practice: York Notes for KS2
作者:Mike Gould; Kamini Khanduri; Jo Ross; Kate Woodford; Elizabeth Walter  出版社:Pearson Education Limited  出版日:2018/02/26 裝訂:平裝
定價:420 元, 優惠價:95 399
Game Changer Starter Student's Book and Workbook with Digital Pack
作者:Mauricio Shiroma; Veronica Teodorov; Liz Walter; Kate Woodford; With Paulo Machado  出版社:CAMBRIDGE  出版日:2023/06/19 裝訂:平裝
■學生課本&作業本附線上帳號(拆封不退) ■美式英語■CEFR Level: Pre-A1■適用程度: Real Beginner■線上練習及資源平台網址 ★購買提示 :學生課本&作業本不含解答,如需解答者請購買教師手冊(9781009267786)Game Changer is a four-level lower Secondary course designed to give young teens all the confidence they need to prepare them for a world where critical thinking, great communication skills and creativity are key. With its fresh and fun approach to global real-world topics, Game Changer is designed to help teachers prepare stimulating and easy-to-teach lessons that will ensure lower secondary teenage students are motivated and engaged throughout the school year. Cross-cultural reading topics, in-context language presentations, scaffolded speaking and writing tasks, opportunities to develop competencies such as learner autonomy, critical thinking and creative thinking are guaranteed to develop learners' global awareness and encourage a learning mindset. The latest digital resources are all in one place on Cambridge One.
定價:680 元, 優惠價:95 646
Game Changer Level 1 Student's Book and Workbook with Digital Pack
作者:Viviane Kirmeliene; Denise Santos; Liz Walter; Kate Woodford; With Paulo Machado  出版社:CAMBRIDGE  出版日:2023/06/19 裝訂:平裝
■學生課本&作業本附線上帳號(拆封不退) ■美式英語■CEFR Level: A1■適用程度: Beginner■線上練習及資源平台網址★購買提示 :學生課本&作業本不含解答,如需解答者請購買教師手冊(9781009267793)Game Changer is a four-level lower Secondary course designed to give young teens all the confidence they need to prepare them for a world where critical thinking, great communication skills and creativity are key. With its fresh and fun approach to global real-world topics, Game Changer is designed to help teachers prepare stimulating and easy-to-teach lessons that will ensure lower secondary teenage students are motivated and engaged throughout the school year. Cross-cultural reading topics, in-context language presentations, scaffolded speaking and writing tasks, opportunities to develop competencies such as learner autonomy, critical thinking and creative thinking are guaranteed to develop learners' global awareness and encourage a learning mindset. The latest digital resources are all in one place on Cambridge One.
定價:680 元, 優惠價:95 646
Game Changer Level 2 Student's Book and Workbook with Digital Pack
作者:Mauricio Shiroma; Veronica Teodorov; Liz Walter; Kate Woodford; With Paulo Machado  出版社:CAMBRIDGE  出版日:2023/06/19 裝訂:平裝
■學生課本&作業本附線上帳號(拆封不退) ■美式英語■CEFR Level: A2■適用程度: Elementary■線上練習及資源平台網址 ★購買提示 :學生課本&作業本不含解答,如需解答者請購買教師手冊(9781009267809)Game Changer is a four-level lower Secondary course designed to give young teens all the confidence they need to prepare them for a world where critical thinking, great communication skills and creativity are key. With its fresh and fun approach to global real-world topics, Game Changer is designed to help teachers prepare stimulating and easy-to-teach lessons that will ensure lower secondary teenage students are motivated and engaged throughout the school year. Cross-cultural reading topics, in-context language presentations, scaffolded speaking and writing tasks, opportunities to develop competencies such as learner autonomy, critical thinking and creative thinking are guaranteed to develop learners' global awareness and encourage a learning mindset. The latest digital resources are all in one place on Cambridge One.
定價:680 元, 優惠價:95 646
Game Changer Level 3 Student's Book and Workbook with Digital Pack
作者:Viviane Kirmeliene; Denise Santos; Liz Walter; Kate Woodford; With Paulo Machado  出版社:CAMBRIDGE  出版日:2023/06/19 裝訂:平裝
■學生課本&作業本附線上帳號(拆封不退) ■美式英語■CEFR Level: B1■適用程度: Intermediate■線上練習及資源平台網址 ★購買提示 :學生課本&作業本不含解答,如需解答者請購買教師手冊(9781009267816)Game Changer is a four-level lower Secondary course designed to give young teens all the confidence they need to prepare them for a world where critical thinking, great communication skills and creativity are key. With its fresh and fun approach to global real-world topics, Game Changer is designed to help teachers prepare stimulating and easy-to-teach lessons that will ensure lower secondary teenage students are motivated and engaged throughout the school year. Cross-cultural reading topics, in-context language presentations, scaffolded speaking and writing tasks, opportunities to develop competencies such as learner autonomy, critical thinking and creative thinking are guaranteed to develop learners' global awareness and encourage a learning mindset. The latest digital resources are all in one place on Cambridge One.
定價:680 元, 優惠價:95 646



