P. H. Cullum (EDT)/ Katherine J. Lewis (EDT)
Katherine Grace Lewis(ILT)
Alexander Von Lünen (EDT)/ Katherine J. Lewis (EDT)/ Benjamin Litherland (EDT)/ Pat Cullum (EDT)
Blake Rayne, Katherine Pickard , Tim Saltarelli , John Kelsey , David Lewis
Gail Stavitsky/ Katherine Rothkopf/ Ellen Handy (CON)/ Jill Anderson Kyle (CON)/ Mary Tompkins Lewis (CON)
Heather Lewis/ Ravi Menon/ Luke Moore/ George Greenhall/ Katherine Stockton
Hodgson, Natasha R.,Lewis, Katherine J.,Mesley, Matthew M.
Jody Jacobs/ David E. Johnson/ Katherine Comanor/ Lewis Jamison/ Joe Leland
John H. Arnold (EDT)/ Katherine J. Lewis (EDT)
Katherine &. Rebecca Lewis
Lavaca Collective/ Naomi Klein (FRW)/ Avi Lewis (FRW)/ Katherine Kohlstedt (TRN)
Lewis A. (University of Wisconsin Friedland Madison),Dhavan V. (University of Wisconsin Shah Madison),Michael W. (University of Wisconsin Wagner Madison),Katherine J. (University of Wisconsin Cramer M
Mikhail Afanasevich Bulgakov/ Diana Lewis Burgin (TRN)/ Katherine Tiernan O'Connor (TRN)/ Diana Lewis Burgin/ Katherine Tiernan O'Connor
Natasha Hodgson (EDT)/ Katherine Lewis (EDT)/ Matthew Mesley (EDT)
von Lunen, Alexander (University of Huddersfield, UK),Lewis, Katherine J. (University of Huddersfield, UK),Litherland, Benjamin (University of Huddersfield, UK),Cullum, Pat (University of Huddersfiel