Blue is a quiet color. Red’s a hothead who likes to pick on Blue. Yellow, Orange, Green, and Purple don’t like what they see, but what can they do? When no one speaks up, things get out of hand — unti
Zero is a big round number. When she looks at herself, she just sees a hole right in her center. Every day she watches the other numbers line up to count: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 . . . !" "Those numbers
Draw the Line is a powerful picture book about forgiveness from Kathryn Otoshi, author of the bestselling book One.When two boys draw their own lines and realize they can connect them together—magic h
Two is best friends with One. Whenever they'd get the chance, they'd dance! She'd sing and snap. He'd tappity-tap. What a pair they made! At the end of each day, they'd always say, "ONE, TWO, I'll cou
A true story about a boy named Jimmy who takes another kid's lunch at school every day. But through the power of kindness, he is transformed into a compassionate human being.Every day Jimmy takes ‘Ski
Marcello Moustriani is a little mouse who lives in a movie theater. While other mice gather cheese at the Parmesan factory, Marcello dreams of making his own film someday. But how can he do it? There’
This colorful concept book reveals an illustrative surprise and reading delight with every turn of the page. Little hands can do so many wonderful things: plant ideas; stretch imaginations; and reach