以提昇學習樂趣及臨床意義為目標,本書比對了MR、CT、高階影像重建,以及醫學繪畫大師Frank H. Netter, MD. 的精美藝術作品。作為Netter醫師最暢銷《人體解剖學圖譜》的姊妹作,這本《Netter’s簡明放射解剖學》從解剖學出發,比對放射影像與解剖圖像,是一本精準、有如親臨現場的視覺指南,顯示高階診斷造影技術如何作為一種驚人的「解剖工具」,讓讀者能透過本書,從活體患者觀察人體解剖
This volume attempts to join the disparate worlds of Egyptian, Maghrebian, South African, Francophone, and Anglophone African cinema—that is, five “formations” of African cinema. These five areas are
This brief addresses the contextual definition of resilience, explains the existing resiliency frameworks developed by Federal Agencies, and emphasizes the risk informed approach to applying resilienc
Currency values, prices, consumption and incomes are at the heart of the economic performance of all countries. In order to make a meaningful comparison between one economy and another, economists routinely make use of purchasing power parity (PPP) exchange rates, but while PPP rates are widely used and well understood, they take a lot of effort to produce and suffer from publication delays. Currencies, Commodities and Consumption analyses the strengths and weaknesses of two alternatives to PPP. Firstly, the so-called Big Mac Index, which uses hamburger prices as a standard of measurement, and second, a less well known technique which infers incomes across countries based on the proportion of consumption devoted to food. Kenneth W. Clements uses international macroeconomics, microeconomic theory and econometrics to provide researchers and policy makers with insights into alternatives to PPP rates and make sense of the ongoing instability of exchange rates and commodity prices.
This breakthrough book provides the first comprehensive discussion of intrinsic motivation in the workplace--the psychological rewards workers get directly from the work itself. Intrinsic Motivation
Formatted for practical problem solving, the new 3rd edition of this clinical resource manual covers the full spectrum of eye disorders, eye examinations, vision screening, strabismus, dyslexia, ocula
Reprint of a 1968 book that assesses the contribution of Ohio and her leaders to the Union War effort during the Civil War. It comprises nine essays which each focus on an Ohio leader and his accompl
" Winner of the Seaborg Award A History Book Club Selection On October 8, 1862, Union and Confederate forces clashed near Perryville, Kentucky, in what would be the largest battle ever fought on Kentu
NOTE: Series number is not an integer: IVThe book examines the arms control issue in successive administrations of the postwar presidents and reviews each president's involvement in the pursuit of arm
"So Black and Blue is the best work we have on Ellison in his combined roles of writer, critic, and intellectual. By locating him in the precarious cultural transition between Jim Crow and the era of
"So Black and Blue is the best work we have on Ellison in his combined roles of writer, critic, and intellectual. By locating him in the precarious cultural transition between Jim Crow and the era of
Kenneth W. Harrow offers a new critical approach to African cinema -- one that requires that we revisit the beginnings of African filmmaking and the critical responses to which they gave rise, and th