This book examines the effects of Jewish conversions to Christianity in late medieval Spanish society. Ingram focuses on these converts and their descendants (known as conversos) not as Judaizers, but
The series on Jews and Muslims who converted to Christianity after Spain was united in 1492 collects papers from a 2008 conference in Segovia, Spain. The 12 papers in this second volume focus mostly o
This first volume of papers from conferences is devoted to the study of Conversos, Spanish Jews who converted to Christianity, and Moriscos, Spanish Muslims who also converted. Ingram (modern history,
The Law of Transnational Securitization focuses on the legal aspects of securitization from a comparative and systemic perspective. It identifies specific problems that arise in the field of securitiz
Quilters understand with every stitch how God can make even scraps wonderfully new and striking with a little time, imagination, and love. In these touching books, Mary Tatem pieces together spiritua
Converso and Morisco are the terms applied to those Jews and Muslims who converted to Christianity (mostly under duress) in late Medieval Spain. Converso and Moriscos Studies examines the manifold cul