At the center of the novel Kim Deitch deftly places himself and his wife Pam–a passionate collector of Halloween cats from the 1920s and 30s, whose collection is impressive to say the least. But when
Originally created in 1997 and 1998 for the underground anthology Zero Zero, The Search for Smilin' Ed! is the latest of Kim Deitch's graphic novels to showcase his obsessive burrowing into the nooks
This is a story about a girl, born at the beginning of the 20th century. She grows up in a small river town in upstate New York. One day the mysterious Charles Varnay, an eccentric who dresses in the
Powerful and impulsive cartooning of the highest caliber still exists in the short form; you just have to look. For all these lonely lovers, Kramers Ergot fights the good fight and gathers many of the
In 1974, Marvel publisher Stan Lee and underground pioneer Denis Kitchen collaborated on a series: Comix Book. Featuring underground comix by Joel Beck, Kim Deitch, Justin Green, Trina Robbins, Art Sp