The Landscape of Historical Memory explores the place of museums and memorial culture in the contestation over historical memory in post–martial law Taiwan. The book is particularly oriented toward th
Whether revealing small-town superstitions or exposing Beijing’s underworld, these works of literary fiction offer insights to modern China and its myriad of social, cultural, and human concern
More than fifty short essays centered on specific writers and literary trends create an engaging and easily digestible history of Chinese literature from the Qing period (1895-1911) to today. The essa
Crossing Between Tradition and Modernity presents thirteen essays written in honor of Milena Doleželová-Velingerová (1932–2012), a member of the Prague School of Sinology and an important scholar of C
During the Mao era, China’s museums served an explicit and uniform propaganda function, underlining official Party history, eulogizing revolutionary heroes, and contributing to nation building and soc
Centered around the figures of Hu Feng, a leftist literary theorist who promoted "subjectivism," and his disciple Lu Ling, known for his psychological fiction, this study explores theoretical and fict
More than fifty short essays centered on specific writers and literary trends create an engaging and easily digestible history of Chinese literature from the Qing period (1895-1911) to today. The essa
Denton and Hockx present thirteen essays treating a variety of literary organizations from China's Republican era (1911-1949). Interdisciplinary in approach, the essays are primarily concerned with de
Lu Xun (1881–1936) is widely considered the greatest writer of twentieth-century China. Although primarily known for his two slim volumes of short fiction, he was a prolific and inventive essayist. Jo
After a general introduction by editor Mostow (Asian studies, U. of British Columbia), this far-reaching one-volume reference comprises 100-plus articles arranged in sections on Japan, China, and Kore