Millions of Burmese women migrate into Thailand each year to form the basis of the Thai agricultural and manufacturing workforce.Un-documented and unregulated, this army of migrant workers constitutes
Poor roads and transport infrastructure are key factors in the marginalization of women and other disempowered groups, but there is little understanding of the many ways in which a lack of mobility af
Millions of Burmese women migrate into Thailand each year to form the basis of the Thai agricultural and manufacturing workforce.Un-documented and unregulated, this army of migrant workers constitutes
This book explores an interdisciplinary field at the intersection of gender and development studies, disaster and land tenure policy. It is well known that women generally have weaker claims to land.
In the era of globalization many minority populations are subject to marginalization and expulsion from their traditional habitats due to rapid economic restructuring and changing politico-spatial rel
"This book demonstrates how current neoliberal policies are making people increasingly on the move - whether voluntarily or forced, and whether individually, as family, or as whole communities - and h