Mandarin Chinese Characters Fast Finder is an entirely new study aid that lets you look up Chinese characters quickly and intuitively from their appearance alone, without knowing their pronunciation,
This Kanji reference book employs a revolutionary and user–friendly new way to look up Japanese Kanji by appearance rather than radical.Kanji (Japanese characters) are fascinating, but frustrating par
Anyone studying Kanji has wished for a reference that would enable them to look up a character by its shape alone. Now, Japanese Kanji Fast Finder delivers precisely that: A new study aid that lets us
This book is a quick and easy way to learn basic Chinese Characters.All beginning Chinese language struggle to memorize and learn to write Chinese characters. The First 100 Chinese Characters adopts a
This book is an easy and effective way to learn basic Chinese Characters.All beginning Chinese language struggle to memorize and learn to write Chinese characters. The First 100 Chinese Characters ado
The Second 100 Chinese Characters adopts a structural approach that helps students to learn, recognize and write the second 100 most common Chinese characters.Intended for beginning Chinese students,
Look at it this way... Everywhere we look, “framing” affects how we see things. Frames restrict our view, keeping us from seeing the whole truth, and subtly influencing our take on everything from dec
Aimed at helping students of Chinese learn and remember Chinese characters, including the pronunciation of characters, fast and effectively, Learning Chinese Characters Volume 1 is a systematic study
The major struggle facing all beginning Chinese language students is learning to recognize, read and write hundreds of Chinese characters. The Second 100 Chinese Characters: Traditional Character Edit
The critical link between psychology and the military is imprtant to recruiting, training, socializing, assigning, employing, deploying, motivating, rewarding, maintaining, managing, integrating, reta
The complexities of dealing with the highly sophisticated weaponry, vehicles, and systems in today's military call for the need to understand how people operate in such systems, how to chose the right