Dirty Windshields is the long-awaited memoir from CBC host and award-winning author Grant Lawrence, baring all the salacious and hilarious details from his touring days as the lead singer of Vancouver
The CBC host discusses his evolving, lifelong relationship with hockey as well as his experiences playing in a recreational hockey league with fellow creative types, and shares anecdotes about the spo
From Captain George Vancouver to Muriel "Curve of Time" Blanchet to Jim "Spilsbury's Coast" Spilsbury, visitors to Desolation Sound have left behind a trail of books endowing the area with a romantic
From Captain George Vancouver to Muriel "Curve of Time" Blanchet to Jim "Spilsbury's Coast" Spilsbury, visitors to Desolation Sound have left behind a trail of books endowing the area with a romantic
Simplified arrangements of 12 of his best: The Entertainer * Maple Leaf Rag * Harmony Club Waltz * Peacherine Rag * Elite Syncopations * Bethena * Easy Winners * more.
This book provides an introduction to the American legal system for a broad readership. Its focus is on law in practice, on the role of the law in American society; and how the social context affects
This book provides an introduction to the American legal system for a broad readership. Its focus is on law in practice, on the role of the law in American society; and how the social context affects
The most recent editions of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and the Wechsler Memory Scale published in 2008 and 2009, respectively. Near the end of 2009, a new product called The Advanced Clinic