D. H. (Senior Lecturer in Classics Berry Senior Lecturer in Classics University of Edinburgh)
Dr Edmund (Lecturer in Classics Richardson Durham University UK)
Dr. Gesine (Senior Lecturer in Latin Language and Literature Manuwald University College London UK),Dr. L. B. T. (Lecturer in Classics Houghton Rugby School UK),Dr Lucy R. (King's College London Nich
;Gartland, Samuel D. (Lecturer in Ancient Greek History and Culture, Lecturer in Ancient Greek History and Culture, University of Leeds),Tandy, David W. (Visitng Research Fellow in Classics, Visitng R
Anke (Lecturer in Classics Walter Lecturer in Classics Newcastle University)
Antti (Lecturer in the Department of Classics Arjava Lecturer in the Department of Classics University of Helsinki)
Deborah Levine (Lecturer in Classics Gera Lecturer in Classics Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Dr Ellen (Senior Lecturer in Classics O'Gorman University of Bristol UK)
Ellen (Senior Lecturer in Classics O'Gorman University of Bristol UK)
Genevieve (Senior Lecturer in Classics Liveley Senior Lecturer in Classics University of Bristol)
Julian (Lecturer in Scottish History Goodare School of History and Classics University of Edinburgh)
M. (Lecturer in Classics Heath Lecturer in Classics University of Leeds)
Paul (Honorary Fellow Addison School of History Classics and Archaeology University of Edinburgh),Jeremy A. (Senior Lecturer in History and Dean of Students in the College of Arts Crang Humanities and
Torrance, Isabelle (Professor of Classical Reception, Professor of Classical Reception, Aarhus University),O'Rourke, Donncha (Lecturer in Classics, Lecturer in Classics, University of Edinburgh)
Whitmarsh, Tim (A. G. Leventis Professor of Greek Culture, A. G. Leventis Professor of Greek Culture, University of Cambridge),Repath, Ian (Senior Lecturer in Classics, Senior Lecturer in Classics, S
Will D. (Lecturer in the Department of Ancient Classics Desmond Lecturer in the Department of Ancient Classics National University of Ireland Maynooth)