Winner of the 2010 Distinguished Book Award from the American Psychological Association's 44th Division (the Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues)The su
The common stereotype that lesbians and gay men are more affluent than heterosexuals is only one of many misconceptions that M. V. Lee Badgett debunks in this comprehensive work. Studying the ends and
The work of academics can matter and be influential on a public level, but the path to becoming a public intellectual, influential policy advisor, valued community resource or go-to person on an issue
Winner of the 2010 Distinguished Book Award from the American Psychological Association's 44th Division (the Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues) The s
The work of academics can matter and be influential on a public level, but the path to becoming a public intellectual, influential policy advisor, valued community resource or go-to person on an issue
How does the standard of living of gay men and lesbians compare with that of heterosexuals? Do homosexuals make financial and family decisions differently? Why are the professional lives of gay men an
Having recently authored one of the most significant books, Money, Myths and Change, in this exciting area of economics, Lee Badgett has now teamed up with Jeff Frank and a collection of international