Lee Brandon/ Kelly Brandon
Jenny Lee/ Kelly Light (ILT)
Kelly Milner Halls/ Lee Cosgrove (ILT)
Christopher Baker-beall (EDT)/ Charlotte Heath-kelly (EDT)/ Lee Jarvis (EDT)
Ami-Lee Kelly,Ashish (University of Newcastle Malik Australia),Philip J. (The University of Newcastle Rosenberger III Australia)
Charlotte Heath-kelly (EDT)/ Christopher Baker-beall (EDT)/ Lee Jarvis (EDT)
Daniel Lee Kleinman (EDT)/ Kelly Moore (EDT)
Daniel Lee Kleinman/ Kelly Moore
Edited by Richard Jackson, Harmonie Toros, Lee Jarvis and Charlotte Heath-Kelly
Erin Lee Golden/ Kelly Hickenbottom (ILT)
Frances Annets,Shirley Foale,Roy Llewellyn,Ismail Musa,Sue Hocking,Ellen Patrick,Joanna Sorensen,Tony Kelly,Lee Hudson
Gary Russell, Nick Roche , Tony Lee, Pia Guerra , Kelly Yates
Gerald Andrews Emison (EDT)/ John Charles Morris (EDT)/ Lee M. Thomas (FRW)/ Ronald Brand (CON)/ Thomas Kelly (CON)