The twenty-sixth volume in the highly acclaimed Library of Living Philosophers series is devoted to the work of British philosopher of logic and metaphysician, P. F. Strawson. Following the Library o
This, the 21st volume in the Library of Living Philosophers, is more than Sir Alfred Ayer's final word on the philosophical issues that preoccupied him for more than sixty years; the list of contribut
This collection of writings by eminent philosophers explores the controversial career of Jurgen Habermas, whose adherence to the Enlightenment ideals of rationality, humanism, and respect for discour
Born in 1901, Paul Weiss has made major contributions to several branches of philosophy, as well as to teaching and scholarly publishing. Alfred North Whitehead remarked: "The danger of philosophical
This, the 21st volume in the Library of Living Philosophers, is more than Sir Alfred Ayer's final word on the philosophical issues that preoccupied him for more than sixty years; the list of contribut
For over 50 years, Sir Michael Dummett has been a major philosophical voice in a wide range of fields, including epistemology, ontology, and the philosophy of language. This comprehensive volume trea
An intellectual autobiography by British philosopher and metaphysician Strawson (b. 1919) is supported by 20 critical essays and his reply to each, and a complete but not annotated bibliography of his
For over 50 years, Sir Michael Dummett has been a major philosophical voice in a wide range of fields, including epistemology, ontology, and the philosophy of language. This comprehensive volume treat
Arthur Danto is the Johnsonian Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Columbia University and the most influential philosopher of art in the last half century. As an art critic for The Nation for 25 year
One of the world’s most influential logicians, Jaakko Hintikka is a leading figure on the international philosophical scene. Here, he responds to his critics. The 27 critical and descriptive es
One of the world’s most influential logicians, Jaakko Hintikka is a leading figure on the international philosophical scene. Here, he responds to his critics. The 27 critical and descriptive es
The first volume in the Library of Living Philosophers appeared in 1939, the brainchild of the late Professor Paul A. Schilpp, who perceived that it would help to eliminate confusions and endless ster
Hilary Putnam, who turned 88 in 2014, is one of the world’s greatest living philosophers. He currently holds the position of Cogan University Professor Emeritus of Harvard. He has been called ?one of
Professor Grene is the 29th subject in a series that includes Albert Einstein, John Dewey, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Bertrand Russell. This book includes photographs, 25 critical essays by Grene’s
Professor Grene is the 29th subject in a series that includes Albert Einstein, John Dewey, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Bertrand Russell. This book includes photographs, 25 critical essays by Grene’s