This book analyses the battle for ideological and actual control of the Durham Miners' Association between Liberals, socialists and syndicalists in the tumultuous period prior to the First World War.
Taking a broadly chronological approach to the topic, Lewis (emeritus, political science, Tulane U.) explores the historical and political contexts for the development of differing forms of Latin Amer
The first book in a planned series dealing with the social structure of the European colonial services in Africa, this volume examines Germany's military and administrative personnel in the colonies o
The automobile and Soviet communism made an odd couple. The quintessential symbol of American economic might and consumerism never achieved iconic status as an engine of Communist progress, in part be
This is a biography of the automobile in the Soviet Union. Author Siegelbaum (history, Michigan State U.) touches upon a broad range of subjects, giving a concise history of the automobile industry it
The indigenous martial arts of the Philippines archipelago are known by a variety of names, including Arnis, Arnis de Mano, Eskrima, or Escrima, and are widely respected for the development of combat-