◆風靡比利時的暢銷繪本翻翻書◆兒童繪本大師Liesbet Slegers系列作品咦?寶寶們一整天都在做什麼呢?在他們一整天開心玩耍之後、上床睡覺之前,其實有好多事情要做呢!像是……和小鴨洗泡泡浴、換上乾淨的睡衣、聽著爸爸念床邊故事……一起帶著孩子學習並了解,睡前到底有什麼該做的事吧!開啟孩子對英文的興趣,自然而然愛上英文。Learning English from childhood要讓孩子奠定良
Kevin thinks his new best friend, Rob, is the sweetest, cutest puppy in the world. Once they get Rob home, Kevin learns everything about taking care of a dog. Kevin gives Rob bowls of water and specia
◆風靡比利時的暢銷繪本翻翻書◆兒童繪本大師Liesbet Slegers系列作品我起床戴上皇冠,今天不再是平常的一天,而是我的生日!生日當天會有什麼趣事呢?一起帶著寶寶了解怎麼過生日吧!開啟孩子對英文的興趣,自然而然愛上英文。Learning English from childhood要讓孩子奠定良好的英文基礎,一定要從小持續接觸。藉由父母和孩子親子共讀英文繪本,從繪本的圖片、情境,慢慢了解原意
◆風靡比利時的暢銷繪本翻翻書◆兒童繪本大師Liesbet Slegers系列作品小寶貝在學校都做些甚麼呢?聽老師說故事、跟好朋友一起堆城堡、在戶外野餐……..學校真好玩!快帶著小寶貝一起發現上學的樂趣吧!開啟孩子對英文的興趣,自然而然愛上英文。Learning English from childhood要讓孩子奠定良好的英文基礎,一定要從小持續接觸。藉由父母和孩子親子共讀英文繪本,從繪本的圖片、
An informative non-fiction picture book about park rangers.An enlightening informative book tailor-made for toddlers about the forester and everything she (or he) does. For nature lovers ages 4 and up
Colorful and vivid illustrations depict a toddler's point of view in these educational books that teach children about different concepts through riddles and by lift-the-flap features. As a toddler in
Through each big, important step in becoming fully dressed, this simple and educational board book helps young ones see putting on their clothes as something fun . . . even when it comes to tricky soc