China?s rise to global prominence is one of the most remarkable stories of our time. Millions of urban Chinese today enjoy lifestyles unthinkable in the days of Chairman Mao?s communist regime, and t
This book is designed as a resource for those preparing for the NBE PTEeXAM or its equivalents outside of the USA and Canada. The contents follow the syllabus of the TEE basic echo exam to ensure comp
This book describes the major governing rules for biological recognition, self-assembly and the methods that follow. The book concludes with the problem of dimensionality in biological recognition pro
Brockton, the "City of Champions," earned this title through its fame for championship sports teams and its most famous hometown sports hero, undefeated boxing heavyweight champion Rocky Marciano. The
This wise little book of 150 meditations is like a breast cancer support group. It is exactly what a woman recuperating in her hospital bed or during any of the other milestones of treatment and recov
In an effort to find out why and how children and adolescents develop their understanding of spiritual issues, and when they start to express them in a way more understandable by adults, the contribut