Poetry. Simply one of the most admired and imitated poets of her generation, Lisa Jarnot's third volume of poetry does what only Jarnot can do. Decidedly lyrical, always reliant on repetition and rhyt
Poetry. Composed of poems, prose segments, and visual pieces, this remarkable first book is both formal and colloquial, fluid and hard-edge, with the diction riffing between Biblical and Dylanesque. A
"Lisa Jarnot . . . suggests that Language Poetry may be mutating, back to the modernism of Stein and Joyce, having been permanently inflected (or deflected) by a late twentieth-century sharpness and e
In Night Scenes, her fourth book of poetry, Lisa Jarnot returns us to the "first melody" through mock archaisms, neologisms, rollicking rhymes, and childlike delight. Her circling lyrics sing the plea
Poetry. Artwork by Emilie Clark. "Lisa Jarnot ... suggests that Language Poetry may be mutating, back to the modernism of Stein and Joyce, having been permanently inflected (or deflected) by a late tw
"This is a book of wonders, beautifully written and brilliantly researched. Lisa Jarnot offers a work of devotion to the truth and spirit of Robert Duncan's life and art, the result of twenty years of