Surely you know someone who is an amazing prayer warrior but finds herself caught in the battle of day-to-day chores...and then winds up feeling like she has short-changed her prayer life because she
Surely you know someone who is an amazing prayer warrior but finds herself caught in the battle of day-to-day chores...and then winds up feeling like she has short-changed her prayer life because she
Drawing from the Book of Proverbs, the former star of The Facts of Life, who now leads the fast-paced life of a wife, mother, speaker, and author, invites readers to consider how these ancient words o
Moms get so busy with the doing and the giving for their families that they never seem to have enough time to rest and receive. So many moms have bought into the world-view that they can have it all a
The ADVENTure of Christmas is a guide for moms concerned that their children are losing sight of Jesus in the midst of the distractions the holiday season brings. Lisa Whelchel was such a mom, but i
Scores of people attribute their faith to a "praying grandmother." That's why Lisa Whelchel teamed up with her mother, the grandmother of her children, to create this guided prayer journal for the bus
Throughout time, women have shared their joys and sorrows, thoughts and feelings, experiences and life lessons with one another. The tradition continues in CSS Devotional Stories forMothers wit