Over the past few years, large-scale land acquisitions in Africa have stoked controversy, making headlines in media reports across the world. Land that only a short time ago seemed of little outside i
In the world’s developing countries, foreign investment in natural resources brings into contact competing interests that are often characterised by unequal balances of negotiating power – from multin
Over the past few years, large-scale land acquisitions in Africa have stoked controversy, making headlines in media reports across the world. Land that only a short time ago seemed of little outside i
"In many parts of sub-Saharan Africa, economic liberalisation, improved transport and communication systems and the global demand for food, energy and commodities have fostered foreign investment in m
近年來,農業投資再掀熱潮。在很多情況下,這種新的勢頭已經轉變為中低收入國家的大規模農地征占(acquisitions of farmland)。某種程度,由于媒體的持續關注,這種土地征占引發了對“土地攫取”(Iand grabbing)呈兩極分化的激烈論辯。然而很少有人去關注那些不會導致大規模土地征占的替代性農業投資方式