This book analyzes enduring racial divides in homeownership, work, and income using the politics of respectability concept. It also examines an alternative way of understanding the Black Lives Matter
Big Box Schools examines the current educational reform movement and the negative impact of the adoption of the big box business model to public education, especially on students, families, and commun
Big Box Schools examines the current educational reform movement and the negative impact of the adoption of the big box business model to public education, especially on students, families, and commun
This book examines how black women have identified challenges in major social institutions across history and demonstrated adaptive leadership in mobilizing people to tackle those challenges facing bl
Founded in 1699, Baton Rouge was the site of countless historic events and the home to many people, including those of African ancestry. South Baton Rouge is an African American community located in B
This volume provides a concentrated and powerful dialog about the nexus between schools, prisons, and the free-market economy where youth are on fast tracks from schools to prisons.
This book examines the state of education in America using a critical lens that places the roles of race, racism, and neoliberalism at the center. The contributors analyze the tough challenges facing
This volume provides a concentrated and powerful dialogue about the nexus between schools, prisons, and the free-market economy whereby youth (particularly youth of color) are on fast tracks from scho