Frames of Memory makes an important intervention into the emerging body of scholarship surrounding the culture and politics of the post-9/11 world. Bond provides a sweeping analysis of American memori
Juliet’s been in hiding—from her family, from her broken life, but most of all from the fact that Ben’s not around anymore. Her mother Diane has run out of advice. But then she insists Juliet looks af
After her husband suddenly dies, Juliet cares for their dog and becomes the unofficial town dog-walker and pet-sitter, as she sorts out her emotions after meeting the owner of a lonely spaniel.
Scholars of literature and the social sciences explore issues of memory in the era of globalization. Among their topics are a dialogue on the ethics and politics of transcultural memory, a German and
Though still a relatively young field, memory studies has undergone significant transformations since it first coalesced as an area of inquiry. Increasingly, scholars understand memory to be a fluid,
Though still a relatively young field, memory studies has undergone significant transformations since it first coalesced as an area of inquiry. Increasingly, scholars understand memory to be a fluid,