A. Y. Khinchin/ D. M. Andrews (TRN)/ M. H. Quenouille (TRN)
Crisp, Dr Oliver D. (University of St Andrews, UK),Arcadi, Rev Dr James M. (Fuller Theological Seminary, USA),Wessling, Dr. Jordan (Fuller Theological Seminary, USA)
Crisp, Oliver D. (Professor of Analytic Theology, Professor of Analytic Theology, University of St Andrews),Arcadi, James M. (?Associate Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, ?Associate Prof
F. Harvey Pough/ Robin M. Andrews/ Martha L. Crump/ Alan H. Savitzky/ Kentwood D. Wells
John B. Leith/ Robyn C. Andrews/ Donald M. Ware/ Robert D. Miles/ Timestream Pictures and Books (COR)
Kimberly M. Andrews (EDT)/ Priya Nanjappa (EDT)/ Seth P. D. Riley (EDT)
Susan Napier (EDT)/ Matilda Bingham (EDT)/ M. D. Andrews (CON)/ G. Antoni (CON)/ M. Bingham (CON)