Isabel Alvarez Borland (EDT)/ Lynette M. F. Bosch (EDT)
Jorge J. E. Gracia (EDT)/ Lynette M. F. Bosch (EDT)/ Isabel Alvarez Borland (EDT)
Jose M. Ferrandez (EDT)/ Jose Ramon Alvarez Sanchez (EDT)/ Felix de la Paz (EDT)/ F. Javier Toledo (EDT)
Maria Del Mar Castilla Nieto (EDT)/ J. D. Alvarez Hervas (EDT)/ F. Rodriguez Dias (EDT)/ M. Berenguel Soria (EDT)
Professor Glen Almond (North Carolina State University),Emily Mahan-Riggs (North Carolina State University),Dr M. L. W. J. Broekhuijse (Topigs Norsvin),Diego F. Leal,Maria Estefania Gonzalez-Alvarez,Z
The two volumes, LNCS 6686 resp. LNCS 6687, constitute the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Work-Conference on the Interplay between Natural and Artificial Computation, IWINAC 2011, held
The aim of this book is to investigate comfort control inside buildings, and how this can be achieved through low energy consumption. It presents a comprehensive exploration of the design, development