This Dictionary has been compiled to meet the need for a reference work on the stress and morphology of Russian personal names. It indicates the stress of approximately 23,000 surnames and describes general rules that enable users to determine the stress shifts, and lists the most frequently used Russian given names and their principal diminutives.
This is the only dictionary of SerboCroatian-English to give both American and British English and to give coverage of all the standards of SerboCroatian, namely, Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian.
The term 'SerboCroatian' denotes a South Slavic language with several varieties. These varieties are spoken in areas that compromised the former Yugoslavia. People living in Serbia and Montenegro now usually call their language 'Serbian'. People living in Croatia now usually call their language 'Croatian'. People living in Bosnia and Hercegovina now usually call their language 'Bosnian'. The varieties of SerboCroatian, as used by educated speakers, are mutually intelligible in the same manner as the varieties of English are mutually intelligible. The dictionary is a guide for speakers of SerboCroatian who are learning English at any level, and for speakers of English who are studying SerboCraoatian at an advanced level. Professional translators have called earlier editions of this work and its companion volume 'the ultimate authority'.
所謂搭配,是指詞語之間的連用習慣,例如中文說「開支票」,而不說「寫支票」,「開」和「支票」之間的連用,我們習以為常。英文也一樣,英美人士會說 “write a check”,絕不會說 “open a check”;寫日記是 “keep a diary”而不是 “write a diary”。不能確定某個名詞該搭配什麼動詞或介系詞等等,就寫不出道地的英文。真正能幫助我們的就是英語搭配詞典,而《BBI