The first Berserk novel, conceived by series creator Kentaro Miura and written by Makoto Fukami, novelist and screenwriter for the Berserk anime, Psycho-Pass and Resident Evil: Vendetta. The Flame Dra
An all-new, dark and sexy genre mashup manga series where magical girls meet military warfare!When the Earth was threatened by the sudden appearance of undead creatures, a group of young women blessed
An all-new, dark and sexy genre mashup manga series where magical girls meet military warfare!When the Earth was threatened by the sudden appearance of undead creatures, a group of young women blessed
An all-new, dark and sexy genre mashup manga series where magical girls meet military warfare!When the Earth was threatened by the sudden appearance of undead creatures, a group of young women blessed
A dark and sexy genre mashup manga, where magical girls meet military warfare--now with an anime!When the Earth was threatened by the sudden appearance of undead creatures, a group of young women bles
MAGICAL GIRLS WITH BIG GUNS!Three years ago, alien invaders ravaged the Earth–until they were defeated by a group of young women blessed with powers from a mysterious source. The girls went back to th