Behind the life and work - the prose and poetry - of a literary genius. The only comprehensive study that examines all areas of Basho's work, including haibun, renku and critical commentaries.
This book has a dual purpose. The first is to present in a new English translation 255 representative hokku (or haiku) poems of Matsuo Basho (1644-94), the Japanese poet who is generally considered th
"Far Beyond the Field" is a first-of-its-kind anthology of haiku by Japanese women, collecting translations of four hundred haiku written by twenty poets from the seventeenth century to the present. B
To Lafcadio Hearn at the turn of the twentieth century, Japan's most priceless objets d'art were not the delicate masterpieces of its fine arts but its women. Today, the women of Japan are viewed with
Tanka, a classical Japanese verse form like haiku, has experienced a resurgence of interest among twentieth-century poets and readers. Arguably the central genre of Japanese literature, the 31-syllabl
Similar in form to the well-known, more serious haiku, the satirical--and often humorous--poems known as senryu have received little scholarly attention because most were written by anonymous amateur
Previously neglected by scholars as "popular literature," the study of senryu--a 17-syllable verse form--provides valuable insight into the thoughts and feelings of ordinary Japanese townspeople. This
Issa (1763-1827), known as one of the Three Pillars of Haiku, is credited with modernizing the form to a degree matched by no other poet, explains Ueda (Japanese, Stanford U.); but modern scholars see