A harrowing chronicle by two leading historians, capturing in real time the events of a year marked by multiple devastations. Professors Margaret Peacock and Erik Peterson set out to chronicle, preserve, and explore the medical, political, economic, social, cultural, environmental, technological, and even personal impacts of the 12 astonishing months of the year 2020. Written in the present tense as a journal, with critical primary sources included throughout the narrative, Journal of a Pandemic Year is about more than the virus. Through real-time expert interviews and historical analysis, the authors reveal the other illnesses--such as racism, class inequity, rampant drug addiction, and environmental abuses, among others--that have been revealed and amplified in these times of Pandemic.
In the 1950s and 1960s, images of children appeared everywhere, from movies to milk cartons, their smiling faces used to sell everything, including war. In this provocative book, Margaret Peacock offe