A vivid account of the forgotten citizens of maritime London who sustained Britain during the Revolutionary Wars In the half-century before the Battle of Trafalgar the port of London became the commer
Lincoln (director, research and collections, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, UK) draws on diverse original sources, including letters, journals, contemporary news reports, and official do
This book shows how pirates were portrayed in their own time, in trial reports, popular prints, novels, legal documents, sermons, ballads and newspaper accounts. It examines how attitudes towards them
Samuel Pepys (1633–1703) lived through one of the most exciting and troubled periods in English history. He saw the people rise up in the name of liberty and execute their king. During the plague of 1
Naval Wives & Mistresses is an innovative study of naval women who stayed at home while their men went to sea. Focusing on the second half of the 18th century, a period when Britain was almost con