Introduces all sorts of scary beasts of the past and present that live in the murky depths of the Earth's oceans and lakes, from giant squid and manta rays to ancient ichthyosaurs and megatooth sharks
Reveals how all living things are separated into five kingdoms--all of which contain different facets of life on Earth--in a fascinating introduction to biodiversity.
A latest entry in a series dedicated to inspiring children to be better global citizens explains how young people can be modern-day Noahs who protect the world's plants and animals from extinction by
Introduces all sorts of scary beasts of the past and present that live in the murky depths of the Earth's oceans and lakes, from giant squid and manta rays to ancient ichthyosaurs and megatooth sharks
Discusses the many human inventions that have been inspired by nature, including biodegradable plastics, Velcro, and renewable energy resources, and suggests other natural processes that can be used t
If every known species on Earth were a leaf on a tree, that tree would have 1 750 000 leaves. Since humans count for just one leaf on the tree, we have a lot to learn about the millions of other forms