Examines the usefulness, validity, and fairness of the Air Force’s Strength Aptitude Test, with a focus on its implementation at military entrance processing stations and the process for setting stren
This report describes the development and implementation of a process to assess key analytic competencies and proficiency of the U.S. Army’s analysts in the 35F military occupational specialty and the
This report assesses the effectiveness of the Command and General Staff School’s Advanced Operations Course for junior field-grade officers when taught in a blended distributed learning environment.
This report addresses challenges for implementing new approaches to Air Force high-demand, high-attrition specialty recruiting, screening, and development processes, and takes a holistic approach to i
This study identifies the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other personal characteristics needed in individuals who will be responsible for implementing strategic diversity plans in the U.S. Departme
This report evaluates the Strength Aptitude Test and related fitness tests to identify strategies for ensuring airmen can meet job-related physical requirements.
In 2012, the Department of Defense (DoD) announced plans for a large reduction of its military force, which could have unintended consequences for demographic diversity. RAND analyzes how force reduct
Describes a methodology for establishing physical fitness standards for four Air Force occupational specialties, as part of a broader Air Force effort to measure the physical readiness of airmen to pe