身處在一群搖滾狂犬之中,醉心於爵士樂的狗狗能否追尋心中的音符,奏出自己的音樂之路,並團結不相往來的貓與狗?BBC兒童頻道熱門節目《CBeebies Bedtime Stories》羅比威廉斯曾於節目中傾情獻聲朗讀。As read by Robbie Williams on CBeebies Bedtime Stories. A thoughtful and entertaining story about togetherness and inclusion. In a divided world of cats and dogs, where dogs play rock music and cats play Jazz, one little dog chooses to follow the music in his heart, and that means jamming with the cats...
A thoughtful and entertaining story about togetherness and inclusion.In a divided world of cats and dogs - where dogs only play dog music and cats only play cat music - one little dog chooses to follo
Betty loves her night-time stories, especially the one about Cosmo: a bear that is afraid of the dark. So when Cosmo comes to life, it is the perfect opportunity for Betty to help him overcome his fea
Red is finally enough to go into the city on her own. One day, she sets off with her trusty dog Woody to take a cake to Grandma, but the city makes Red feel hungry and she eats the cake. Determined to
Betty loves her night-time stories, especially the one about Cosmo: a bear that is afraid of the dark. So when Cosmo comes to life, it is the perfect opportunity for Betty to help him overcome his fea