A mysterious and deadly plague suddenly appears among the inhabitants of an unnamed city. Shunned by family and friends, some of the afflicted have nowhere to finish out their days until a lone hair
In three separate autobiographies, celebrated Mexican innovator Mario Bellatin recounts his childhood trauma as a bathhouse spectacle, the treatment of an illness suffered by his Sufi spiritual mentor
The latest work in English by renowned Peruvian-Mexican cult writer Mario Bellatin, a short, allegorical novel that questions truth, art, language, and the split between East and West.From the groundb
Conceived of as a set of fragmentary manuscripts from an unpublished Joseph Roth novel,Jacob the Mutant is a novella in a perpetual state of transformation a story about a man named Jacob, an ersatz r
Peter Hugo is one of the most gifted and greatest photo-book maker of South Africa. "La Cucaracha" is the final stop after 2 years visiting Mexico in what Hugo consideres to be his greats work since "