Give prospective counselors a solid foundation for group counseling with a practical, application-based approach Foundations of Group Counseling offers a broad perspective on group work and balance
This comprehensive text offers prospective counselors the tools and strategies they will need for working with general and special populations, including assessment tools, strategies for outpatient an
No matter what the environment that counselors or mental health professionals work in, they will need the skills and techniques to help couples and families as part of their work. This comprehensive t
Career Counseling, 3rd edition, provides a comprehensive, holistic overview of the foundations of career counseling, information on the most effective skills and techniques, and contextual perspective
Career Counseling, 3rd edition, provides a comprehensive, holistic overview of the foundations of career counseling, information on the most effective skills and techniques, and contextual perspective
This text provides the beginning counseling student with a comprehensive overview and discussion of the practical application of career counseling skills. Based on the view that counselors must be pre