;Scott, Mark (University College Dublin, Ireland.),Sturzaker, John (University of Liverpool, UK),Gallent, Nick (University College London, United Kingdom),Parker, Gavin,Burnett, Amy,Mell, Ian
Chi-kwan (Royal Holloway Mark University of London UK)
Dominic (Institute of Education Wyse University College London UK),Helen Bradford,John-Mark (St.Ives Winstanley Cambridgeshire England)
Francesca Pia Vantaggiato (King? College London),Mark (University of California Lubell Davis)
Mark (King's College Hospital Davenport London UK),Bashar Aldeiri,Joseph Davidson
Mark (Queen Mary White University of London)
Mark (University College London Shuttleworth UK)
Michael W. (Royal Holloway Eysenck University of London UK),Mark T. (University College Dublin Keane Ireland)
;Clack, Timothy (University of Oxford, UK),Dunkley, Mark (Society of Antiquaries of London)
;Clark, Sue (Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, St Mark's Hospital, Harrow; Adjunct Professor of Surgery, Imperial College, London, UK),Tozer, Philip, FRCS MD(Res), (Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, St Mark
;Maynard, Jonathan Leader (King S College London UK),Haas, Mark L (Duquesne University USA)
;Price, Sophia (Birkbeck College London, UK),Langan, Mark (King? College London, UK)
;Waller, Rob (NHS Lothian),Moghraby, Omer S. (South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust),Lovell, Mark, Ph.D. (Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust)
Ben (Consultant Physician in Acute Medicine Lovell University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust),Mark Lander (University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust),Nick (Acute Medicine
Clack, Timothy (University of Oxford, UK),Dunkley, Mark (Society of Antiquaries of London)
David (Visiting Professor Omand Department of War Studies King's College London),Mark (Professor of Politics Phythian University of Leicester)
Dr. Mark Peter (Associate Lecturer Wright London College of Communication UK)
Dr. Mark Peter (Associate Lecturer Wright University of the Arts London UK)